Catharanthus roseus 'Nirvana Cascade Pink Blush'
Home / Our Plants / Vinca, Periwinkle
Kaw Valley Favorite
Unusual two-tone color, great performer!
These are our very favorite plants! Our staff members are avid plant lovers and these are the best of the best in our own landscaping.
Many of our favorites are new & different. All are excellent performers, easy to grow, and well suited to our area. You won't be disappointed!
One of the toughest performing Vincas yet! Catharanthus roseus 'Cascade Pink Blush' has large pink flowers with a rose eye, perfect in the garden, planters and hanging baskets. The 'Nirvana' series of Periwinkle was bred for both "Aerial Phytopthera" resistance to handle humid conditions, and for extreme heat tolerance. Produced from cuttings, they have extra large flowers and a larger plant habit than most seed grown vincas.
Likes Similar Sun/Shade
Full Sun to Part Sun
Hardiness Zone:
Not hardy
12-14 inches
20-24 inches
Truly Heat Tolerant
Deer Resistant
Kaw Valley Greenhouses
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