Canna hybrid 'Tropicanna Black'
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With its brilliant scarlet/orange blooms and exotic display of bold purple and black hued foliage Canna hybrid 'Tropicanna Black' brings a tropical touch to the garden. Cannas can be planted in full sun or part shade and are ideal for gardens, landscapes and water gardens. Flowers all season long. Deadheading not necessary. Performs best in a deep fertile soil. Enjoys frequent watering and will tolerate poorly drained areas.. Use a slow-release flowering plant fertilizer high in potassium to encourage flowering. Avoid too much nitrogen. Can dig tubers and store in cool, dry place to re-plant in spring.
Similar Color Plants
moreLikes Similar Sun/Shade
Bulb / Root
Full Sun to Part Shade
Bloom Color:
Foliage Color:
Almost Black
Hardiness Zone:
Not hardy
48-72 inches
20-30 inches
Vigorous Growth
Truly Heat Tolerant
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